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Just looking for someone to help you get started? Perfect for the do-it-yourself clients who want a customized plan. Great for anyone preparing to move or renovate. 

Organizing can often feel like a daunting task. Sometimes all you need is to have someone tell you where to start, what to buy, and how to keep the motivation going.


The DIY Plan may be right for you if:

  • You want to get organized on your own time schedule.

  • You do not have any trouble staying focused on household tasks through completion.

  • You love customized, personalized advice for your home, but you are on a budget.


  • A 60 - 90 minute walkthrough in-person (local service areas)

  • A customized plan for your needs delivered within 3 business days

  • Follow up emails after 7 days and 30 days


  • Per Room: $150

  • Whole Home: $500

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